Thanh Cong Company in recent years has paid great attention to human resource training, considering human resources as the key factor that determines the company's mission. Aware of that, every year we organize training programs for employees in the company.

Over the past time, human resource training at Thanh Cong ME Construction JSC. has basically met human resource needs in a timely manner, supplementing necessary skills for workers to improve human resource qualifications. for the company to carry out the proposed plan. The planning and development of policies, training regulations, regulations on human resource use... are carried out in quite detailed and specific ways by the organization department, and methods for evaluating training effectiveness are carefully developed. system, implemented independently and in accordance with the conditions of the company.

This year we have conducted internal training programs on Quotation skills, training programs for young engineers, and safety training sessions for company employees.

Besides implementing internal training programs, we also invite experts, cooperate with specialized units to open in-depth training classes for staff, as well as send staff Employees participate in training classes at educational establishments.